Royal Malaysian Police Museum

The Royal Malaysian Police Museum is located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It showcases the history of the Royal Malaysian Police. This museum was established in 1958 at one of the buildings located at the Police Training Centre (Pulapol) Jalan Semarak, Kuala Lumpur.

Then, the wood building loading three main parts viz police force history, emergency and career PDRM.


Constructions history

RMP Muzium PDRM was built by PULAPOL Superintendent, Gerry Waller with the help of several other officers in 1958. The building was built with wood and its early materials were only collections of materials used for teaching in the Police Training Centre.

Following museum state sick and not able to accommodate artifacts expansion, on 16th of October 1983, Inspector-General of Police then, Tun Mohammed Hanif Omar proposes new place viz building Mes Polis's Senior Officer, Kuala Lumpur that remain yet. Museum construction project beginning at 18th of February 1993 with construction cost RM4.9 million, while interior decoration works involves cost RM2.9 million. The new building is completed and commended to Muzium PDRM on 23rd of July 1997.

Migration process to the new building done at 26th of August 1997 and launched Deputy Prime Minister cum Domestic Minister then, Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (previous Prime Minister) on July 24, 1999 while his operation and service start to open to the public on 2nd of October 1998.


It also put aside evidence range of material for criminal cases ever happened in Malaysia including trigger throughout the country uproar as activity Botak Chin's criminal scare a time once apart from triad activity and communist.

The museum exact role really is collect, study and keep old items and during the yang aim history and development research team apart from recall sacrifice, role and success every member and increase image of the police.

This museum also display arms, model and old photographs, and plan study and figure relating emergency apart from old police station equipment. Exhibition in this museum have distinctive feature because it become gathering place, study and fund old items and during to benefits of research, by become source reference educate the community and guide them in know function, role and responsibility of RMP. It not merely premise keep artifacts or document but with role important maintain the tradition and commemorate police force history.

In fact, it as if monument commemorate struggle, sacrifice, role and success which does by the police either during country on peace or emergency period.

Plenty visitor will scanned back with the function police since the time Malay Malacca Kingdom, Portuguese, Dutch, British, Japan and Malaya before country achieved independence.

Clothing development police uniform and artifacts history also shown in exhibition space besides displaying police history chronology in Federated Malay States, Unfederated Malay States, Straits Settlements and police force in Sabah and a Sarawak.


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